Senin, 14 November 2016

Connecting VMware ESXI Host from Mac with vmware fusion

in this post i would like to share about connecting to vmware esxi server using mac address. As dedfault, VMware only give us vmware esxi client for windows platform.

how about the user using mac? actually there are a solution provided by vmware, it is by using vsphere web client. The problems occur for me is, I just switching from window to Mac and have not yet install web client support in esxi server.
For you that has same problem, you can try to follow below step for connecting to esxi server using mac.
1. download vmware fusion, it is free
2. install vmware fusion
3. from vmare fusion, choose File ==> connect to server

4. input your server ip address, username and password

5. you can start managing the host from server library

Happy virtualizing All!!!

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